What is Generational

Generational writes about the most consequential artificial intelligence trends and companies to help you learn what matters most.

Kenn writes from his experience building machine learning models, investing in AI startups, spearheading AI initiatives in public companies, and serving as the editor of his high school newspaper.

If you're a tech reader, Generational is The Generalist meets Stratechery that’s focused on AI.

What you can expect

  • Essays (1-3 per quarter): Topical essays and curated reads. A blend of commercial, societal, and technical. Always personal, empirical, and sardonic.

  • Companies (1-3 per quarter): Company briefings featuring generational AI scaleups and startups defining new markets, leading their categories, and ones that you’d want to join either as an investor or operator.

  • Trends (2 per year): Semi-annual in-depth analysis of market trends. Sometimes obvious but always with a tinge of originality.

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Learn what matters in business and technology of AI


Writing and investing in AI